NLP Rewind Technique- Learn The Basics

By Trevor Johnson

The human brain has posed serious challenges to scientist and despite the advancements in biology, the scientists are not fully aware of it. However, psychologists have done several experiments and found many therapies that help in enhancing the mental and emotional capabilities. The rewind technique is one such therapeutic technique, which is based on a system of therapy known as Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

As the name suggest, this technique makes a person rewind and watch the incident that was traumatic or became a phobia and affected their life throughout. The technique is not yet common but is being used by psychologists.

While reliving the incident the patient visualizes or sees the incident again and from a different perspective. It is like asking the patient to view the video of the incident. Except that it would be his mind that would be generating the video and it would be the mind's eye viewing the video.

It helps if a person has a visual power and can imagine or picture oneself in that situation. It also helps if the psychologist who is working with the patient has some practical experience in this therapy. Psychologists with only bookish knowledge cannot help a patient as effectively as the ones that have practically walked patients through this therapy session.

It is important to choose a psychologist who has a practical experience of this technique because this technique is relatively new and not everyone has the skill set to perform it properly. A good psychologist will be able to lessen your phobia or even completely eradicate it in just one sitting.

With a psychologist skilled in the NLP rewind technique, the phobia's stress on a person's life and work can easily be eradicated or lessened in one session. If the rewind technique becomes common and psychologists start practicing it, it can help people in unimaginable ways. It's a simple, fast and very effective procedure that doesn't have any side effects. What more could you want? - 31985

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