What Is Neurolinguistic Programing And How Does It Work?

By Trevor Johnson

Neurolinguistic programing- NLP- is a unique synthesis of psychology, hypnosis, linguistics and cybernetics. Basically it offers specific techniques and methods to increase personal effectiveness. Over the past 30 years millions of people worldwide were able to use the principles and techniques of NLP to change their behavior and results, at the same time influencing other people.

Think about the most successful people in the world: Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Warren Buffet, Picasso, Salvador Dali, Madonna, Elvis Presley, Elton John, etc.. O they all were models of excellence in their field, whether it's about business, art, music, movies and sports. What exactly have they done to be successful? It. 's not necessarily to imitate them entirely to get the same results. All we have to do is to study their actions and way of thinking and follow the principles they applied in life so that we to get similar results.

NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) can be defined in many ways. Mainly, it is a way of communication and personal development that is based on the connection between brain, verbal (what we think and say) and non-verbal language. This connection influences our inner state (what we feel) and external behavior (what we do).

Using certain techniques we can learn how to give people exactly what they want in a particular situation. Neuro- linguistic programming is not only about competence and excellence; it is about wisdom and vision. We learn how others have responded to a particular situation we are facing.

NLP was quickly promoted as a form of psychological therapy, which addresses a variety of problems including phobias, depression, behavioral disorders, psychosomatic diseases, etc. Later, it was promoted as a "science of excellence", which analyzes the way in which successful people from different areas of activity get brilliant results.

At an organizational level NLP comes with a number of techniques and applications that form the basic tools and skills necessary for effective management, organizational development and leadership. As we said before, all these tools, techniques and skills have been applied by leaders, top managers and consultants worldwide. - 31985

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NLP Rewind Technique - Get A Grip On Your Life Now!

By Trevor Johnson

We can talk about phobias until the cows come home. We all have them and sometimes are stuck with them to such an extent that they destroy our chances of being happy. To the end, there is a glimmer of hope by using the nlp rewind technique.

NLP or it's full name; Neuro-Linguistic-Programming as been around for a long time, but has only been used productively in the past few years. Research has found that we tend to replay the problem in our minds over and over again until we cannot differentiate between past and present. What might have happened to us in the past has somehow jumped into our present in a very real and frightening way. Hence the anxiousness and sweaty palms and even heart palpitations manifest at the slightest recall.

Let's briefly look at a case study recently brought to the fore:

Janet, who is 40 years old, married with two children has never sat behind a wheel of a car because when she was a young girl she tragically lost her brother in a car accident. She was really afraid to drive because she convinced herself that she would also die if she drove a car. She would reply on many people to shuttle her back and forth in her life, but would never dare driving herself.

She has made all kinds of excuses not to drive throughout her life and depended on her husband, family members and friends to fetch the children from school and drive her to do her errands.

At the beginning of the session she was asked to relax and do some breathing exercises. When she felt totally relaxed the therapist instructed her to visualize a cinema with a comfortable seats, a big screen, lots of popcorn and candy around her and that she is going to star in a fantastic movie. This movie is going to be about her trauma and it will be in lots of detail. She also had to make her movie in black and white so the mind can relate to the old problem. She was then asked to start the movie with her first memory of the accident.

Once this memory would manifest, she was then asked to get up from her chair and stand in a spot where she could observe herself watching her movie. It was sort of an out of body visualization technique. She would then have to observe her feelings, emotions and facial expressions in detail.

Second, she was asked to gradually change her movie the way she would like it to be. She changed her movie to technicolor, she added upbeat music and she changed actors around until she was happy with the scene. She then started rewinding the event and every time adding some positive action or object until she was left with a funny or acceptable outcome.

She was in control and nothing bad happened in her new movie. She repeated the rewinding a few times and has successfully taken her drivers test and is now mobile for the first time in her life, by applying the nlp rewind technique and changing her future for the better. - 31985

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How To Easily Learn The Wonderful Powers Of Hypnosis

By George Hutton

If you would like to hypnotize somebody, then this article is for you. I'll give you some basic tips on how to get somebody into a deep hypnotic state where they will be ready to take commands directly into their subconscious. This is a very powerful, so it should only be used with care and a deep and honest respect for the well being of the person you are hypnotizing. This assumes you are doing what is called authoritative hypnosis, meaning that the person knows you are hypnotizing them, and is willing to go along.

A good thing to get before you start is something they'd like to accomplish while under hypnosis. Maybe a bad habit they'd like to stop, or to do good an upcoming test, or to simply enjoy twenty or thirty minutes of focused relaxation. Make sure to respect whatever they want to achieve, as it is important to them.

OK, now you're ready to get started. Have them get into a relaxed position, whatever that means for them. Sitting back, laying on the floor, whatever. Once they're in position, ask them to take a few slow breaths. Have them they are breathing in magical relaxation gas, and breathing out stress and anxiety.

Once they have become really relaxed and look like a bowl full of jelly, you can start guiding their attention. Get them to focus on each body part, starting with their head, and finishing on their feet, relaxing each part as they go.

When you finishing relaxing all their body parts, you can start giving them commands. Make sure your command are congruent with what they said they wanted to accomplish under hypnosis. "You stop smoking easily," or "You always do well on tests, " or "you are very smart," or whatever they want. Spend about fifteen minutes during this section. Speak slowly and softly.

After you've given them several commands, you can begin to bring them slowly out of their hypnotic state. Usually a slow count from one to five does the trick. Which each number describe them feeling better, more awake, so that when you get to five, they are feeling happy and relaxed and refreshed. - 31985

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NLP Can Allow You To Achieve Anything You Desire

By George Hutton

Have you ever heard of NLP? This has often been called the greatest communication system that has ever been developed. If you've never heard of it, it is a collection of powerful tools that can be used in almost any situation, to create almost any outcome you'd like.

First of all, what exactly is NLP? It has been said that NLP is a model of excellence. OK, what exactly does that mean? Well, NLP was created by watching people who are the very best at what they do. And since the first people that were modeled were therapists, that used their words, NLP can be considered a model of excellence in communication.

One of the first people that were modeled with NLP was Milton Erickson. He created a whole new form of hypnosis called covert, or conversational hypnosis. Before Dr. Erickson, if you wanted to be hypnotized, you had to watch a watch swinging back and forth and listen to some creepy guy telling you that you were getting sleepy. Erickson changed all that. He told people stories that often made no sense at the time, but had powerful lasting effects.

By modeling this one genius, a whole collection of powerful communication strategies was developed. Today it is called the Milton Model, and there is a plethora of free information online that can help you to learn this. There is also an abundance of seminars out there where you can get some hands on experience at trying these powerful techniques.

Others have described NLP as the objective description of the subjective experience. Say you are afraid of dogs. Instead of asking why, and digging into your past when you were first bit, NLP asks how you are afraid of dogs. What images do you see, what do you imagine when you see a dog? Once you have these, it's easy to change them, and the fear of dogs can disappear.

The best use of NLP is it's ability to model any skill in any person so that you can develop it in yourself. If you want to be a good golfer, you an model Tiger Woods. If you want to be a great musician, you can model Beethoven. They don't even have to be alive. Once you learn how to model the excellence you see in others, the sky is the limit to your unlimited potential. - 31985

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How To Ask Her Out Without Getting Rejected

By George Hutton

This article is for those of you that want to ask a girl out on a date, but don't know how to go about doing it. It is actually much simpler than most people are aware, and can make it much easier for her to say yes if you ask her correctly.

You want to make sure you know the name of the girl you want to ask out. And also if she knows your name, that is fantastic. If you ask out some random girl on the street, she will usually say no. So unless you are a glutton for rejection, stick with girls that you know at least a little bit.

Second, you need to find out some of her interests. Find out what she likes to do in her spare time. This can be anything from dog walking to novel reading in coffee shops. Anything that she likes is fine.

Next is to find an event that is similar in some way to one of her interests. Anything that could be thought of as having something to do with something that she is interested in. For example, if she likes movies, you can find an event with movie posters on display.

Now, you need to plan on doing this event by yourself first. Plan on doing so by putting in on your own calendar. That way when you ask her, and she says no, it's no big deal, since you were planning on doing it anyway.

Now the big moment you've been waiting for. The big question. Only now, it's not so much a question, but an offer to join you in something you were planning on doing anyway. She'll sense this, and there won't be any pressure. She'll be much more likely to say yes.

Once you try this a few times, your self-confidence will skyrocket, making you more attractive than ever to girls. They will start asking you out. - 31985

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Learn Conversational Hypnosis

By Christopher Cohen

The first step to learning the skill of conversational hypnosis is to believe in yourself. This is the single most important facet of building your power of conversational hypnosis. Without the confidence to pursue the learning of this skill, you will ultimately fail. For those of you who are serious and willing to commit to the program, you will begin to yield the benefits of conversational hypnosis. The power of conversational hypnosis is based on two synergistic philosophies. These two schools of thought are pretty much identical. They are Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Together, these philosophies produce the art of conversational hypnosis.

Have you come up short in achieving your lifetime dreams and goals? With the power of conversational hypnosis, all of your desires can come true. The power of conversational hypnosis helps manifest what it is that you want out of life. Turn casual conversation into meaningful meetings that will create wonderful opportunities to improve and grow your life. With the simple techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming combined with Ericksonian Hypnosis, your power in conversational hypnosis will be at its peak performance level.

You can use the power of conversational hypnosis to transform your life and conversations. By using NLP and relaxation you are able to bring the other person into a state of persuasion. During this relaxed state, you are able to tamp in the unconscious and use indirect suggestion to control the tempo of the discussion. From there, you can enter the experiences that are stored in the deep subconscious to alter or adapt them.

By bringing the person into a state of deep relaxation, you are prepping their mind for embedded indirect suggestions that you can use to draw out certain aspects of the person based on their collective subconscious mind. The cool thing about implementing the power of conversational hypnosis is that it can be performed anywhere and at anytime. Neuro Linguistic Programming is the science behind embedded indirect suggestion. By learning the simple triggers of NLP, you will find yourself immersed in a world full of opportunity and relationships with people you never would have otherwise met.

There are various methods and techniques that you can learn to help you get the person you are going to hypnotize in a state of relaxation. Remember, the more relaxed the person is, the more they will be accepting of indirect embedded suggestion. Simply, asking someone about their pet dog can convey feelings of relaxation within the person to be hypnotized.

Once in that relaxed state, the power of conversational hypnosis comes into play. Through indirect suggestion or NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) the person to be hypnotized will be able to make the behavioral modifications that they want in life. NLP can be explained through a very plain and simple example.

Imagine you are carrying a tray of glasses filled to the brim with iced tea. On your way from the kitchen to the patio, you are focused and concentrating on maintaining your balance so as not to spill your drinks. All of the sudden someone yells out, "Don't spill that!" Now, what may seem a nice enough gesture to ensure that you don't spill the ice tea has actually put into motion conditions that will increase your likelihood of spilling the tray of drinks. The reason for this is that the subconscious mind cannot discern between negations and affirmations. Simply speaking, your unconscious mind processes "Spill that!" and ignores the negation "Don't"

What happens next is that your subconscious begins to draw on those experiences of spilling and lowers your self esteem. This leads to the likelihood that the drinks will be spilled since the person now has their mind filled with "Spill that!"

The power of conversational hypnosis works in the same way. Indirect suggestion brings about real change in real people. The methods of conversational hypnosis are proven and have helped thousands improve their lives. As time goes on you will improve on your skills to harness the true power of conversational hypnosis. - 31985

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Neuro Linguistic Programming Anchoring - How It Helps

By Trevor Johnson

Neuro linguistic programming anchoring is simply put, a higher state of mind that is used to bring peace and happiness. People choose to use this as a way to help them find more success and stay ahead of the game at not only work, but at home as well.

If you can learn to use NLP anchoring you can enable yourself to find a place in your mind that is free of stress and frustrations. At work this can be really helpful, but it can also be a good thing to use if you are simply aggravated with someone.

Studies that have been conducted on this have shown results that point to the ability to increase the effectiveness of the technique by finding more than one anchor to use at a time.

To actively practice this method all you need to do is put yourself in a state of mind where you are as happy as you were at some point in the past. Whether it be completing a tough projects, getting a promotion, becoming a parent or even winning some type of award, use what you have.

Different types of memories can have different effects on us. After you have found one that works for you, figure out how you can call upon it at any time you need to use it.

Being able to use this method to help you will not occur in a matter of days, but instead will probably take quite a bit longer to master. You can use pictures, sounds, smells or even a person to put you in the state of mind you need to be in. Typically for parents, the best choice is something that involves their children. For some people it might be something they accomplished by themselves that made them feel great.

While the list of things you can use can be rather long, what it really takes is a serious commitment on your part. Before ever attempting to use this method you need to sit down and really think about all of things in your life that bring you happiness. This is an easy way to put yourself in a better state of mind and keep you on track. - 31985

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How to Use Covert Persuasion To Help Others And Improve Your Sales

By George Hutton

If you've ever wondered about whether or not it is ethical to persuade somebody using covert methods, then this article is for you. I'd like to dispel some of the myths about convert persuasion. When used correctly, covert persuasion can be the best way to respectfully suggest a course of action to a client, loved on, or potential date.

The first thing to consider is that very few people really enjoy making decisions. If you've ever been in an important meeting at work, you've seen this first hand. Most people would like others to do their thinking for them.

Despite readily giving in to the decision of a strong leader, most people still would like to feel that their opinion counts for something. This is where covert persuasion is particularly powerful. With the right handling people will be more than happy to go along with your ideas and suggestions.

When the opinions of people are treated correctly, the people being persuaded will willingly go along with whatever the persuader will suggest. This can prove to be very powerful indeed.

A great benefit of involving the customer in the sales process is that you will greatly reduce any instances of "buyer's remorse." If you've ever gotten home and found yourself with a product that you don't want or need, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You can avoid this altogether with the right techniques.

When you use persuasion and involve the customer, they will not only be glad they bought from you, or decided to go along with your way of thinking, but they'll also tell all their friends about you. This can be great if you work in a referral system.

As you begin to understand the power that you can wield with these simple ideas, you can start to explore the many possibilities to apply them in your daily life. And you will soon become more powerful than you could ever imagine. - 31985

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NLP Rewind Technique- Learn The Basics

By Trevor Johnson

The human brain has posed serious challenges to scientist and despite the advancements in biology, the scientists are not fully aware of it. However, psychologists have done several experiments and found many therapies that help in enhancing the mental and emotional capabilities. The rewind technique is one such therapeutic technique, which is based on a system of therapy known as Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

As the name suggest, this technique makes a person rewind and watch the incident that was traumatic or became a phobia and affected their life throughout. The technique is not yet common but is being used by psychologists.

While reliving the incident the patient visualizes or sees the incident again and from a different perspective. It is like asking the patient to view the video of the incident. Except that it would be his mind that would be generating the video and it would be the mind's eye viewing the video.

It helps if a person has a visual power and can imagine or picture oneself in that situation. It also helps if the psychologist who is working with the patient has some practical experience in this therapy. Psychologists with only bookish knowledge cannot help a patient as effectively as the ones that have practically walked patients through this therapy session.

It is important to choose a psychologist who has a practical experience of this technique because this technique is relatively new and not everyone has the skill set to perform it properly. A good psychologist will be able to lessen your phobia or even completely eradicate it in just one sitting.

With a psychologist skilled in the NLP rewind technique, the phobia's stress on a person's life and work can easily be eradicated or lessened in one session. If the rewind technique becomes common and psychologists start practicing it, it can help people in unimaginable ways. It's a simple, fast and very effective procedure that doesn't have any side effects. What more could you want? - 31985

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