How To Get Others To Do What You Want With Secret Jedi Mind Tricks

By George Hutton

We humans have a lot going for us. We can walk on two legs, do interesting things with our opposing thumbs, and even peel a banana. One thing that we have that is most special is the size of our brains, compared to our body size.

Why is this? Why did our brains get so big, and not say, the Koala? Some will argue that because we are basically a nomadic species, we had to learn to adapt to different environments. But many are starting to think that our need for language is what drove our brain size.

So why then, did we develop language? Many animals migrate thousands of miles every year, and don't require any complicated speech.

If you look at language as a tool, then maybe it starts to make sense. What do we use the tool for? What is it's purpose?

For many, the automatic answer is to simply convey information. Data. Facts, figures, directions, instructions. Are we really just walking computers driven to exchange data with each other, or is there something deeper?

A growing number of evolutionary psychologists are starting to agree that the real purpose behind language is persuasion. To influence. To manipulate each other into our way of thinking.

If you remember crying when you were younger, wasn't that the most basic tool of manipulation? To try and get a parent or adult to come over and pick you up and take care of you?

When you see language from this angle, you can begin to understand that the underlying reason behind all communication is to manipulate and persuade others. Whenever you are talking to somebody, you'd like your words to cause them to think or do something that would benefit you.

So, if you are going to persuade somebody, you might as well get good at it. With all these people walking around with hidden agenda's (usually even to themselves), somebody is going to get left holding the bag.

One easy way to persuade others is to elicit and leverage the criteria of others. This means find out what is important to them, and show them covertly that they can achieve that by doing what you want.

This means actually building up a kind of relationship with them, no matter how short lived. When you approach this from a win-win situation, you can't go wrong, and the world will be in the palm of your hand. - 31985

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