NLP And NLP Practitioners

By Adam Cox

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a form of psychotherapy that while not typically recognized by mainstream psychotherapy has become extremely popular with teachers, life couches and marketing and business executives. There are even several psychotherapists with private practices and many hypnotherapists who employ the methodology behind NLP.

NLP seeks to change the programming we have in our brains that causes us to react negatively to certain triggers. The belief is that those triggers are really memories or learned behaviors from the subconscious mind that are impacting our emotions. By reprogramming these memories with something positive - a calming color or sight, a happy memory or a pleasant tone of voice - we are thereby changing the way our brain interprets the trigger and changing the way we react. Sure there is little hard, scientific data to back up the claims made by NLP and NLP practitioners but when carefully considered, the theories posed by the method make sense.

There has to be some reason Patient A and Patient B react to things like dogs, snakes or spiders differently. They could have grown up next door to each other, spent their entire childhoods together and came from the same basic background. We'll say, for arguments sake that they were both from middle class, average families with one sibling two years older and one sibling two years younger, and both parents still married - one parent worked, the other stayed home and for the argument's sake again, will say it was the same parent at home in both families. They got similar grades in school and both had the same friends. Yet somehow, despite nearly identical childhoods, Patient A is terrified of dogs and Patient B is a dog lover. How does this happen?

According to NLP, it is likely that Patient A was bitten by a dog or had a bad experience with a dog, or someone in their family had a fear of dogs and displayed it in from of them. In either case, it is probable Patient A has no memory of this experience because it may have happened when they were too young to remember. That doesn't matter to the brain though. The subconscious mind remembers this and triggers the fear reaction every time Patient A sees a dog.

Patient A wants to solve this problem because Patient B is a close friend and, yes, has a four legged friend of their own. Patient A just wants to be able to visit Patient B without having a panic attack at the thought of seeing the dog. Patient A turns to an NLP practitioner to get help.

The NLP practitioner is going to try to get to the root cause of Patient A's phobia. Together, they discover that Patient A did in fact have a bad experience which programmed into Patient A's mind that dogs are bad news and should be avoided. The NLP practitioner will now set about trying to reformat that program by changing the reaction the brain has to dogs. They will do this by reprogramming the brain so when Patient A sees a dog, a pleasant reaction is triggered; allowing Patient A and Patient B to have pleasant visits without the panic attacks. - 31985

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You Can Defeat The Fear Of Being Alone!

By Trevor Johnson

Fear is usually an emotional reaction or response to a threat or an imagined state of being in danger. This feeling will be experienced especially if an individual believes that they are in danger. Psychologists are of the opinion that fear is a particular response to a stimulus such as pain, disease or being under attack. Some will even have the fear of being alone.

People always craving the attention and the company of others could be said to be suffering from the fear of being alone. They will feel extremely comfortable when they are at social events or when they are surrounded by a number of persons, feeding their desire for the need of appreciation and attention.

The fear of solitude can be termed monophobia, which is an unhealthy phobia causing panic attacks. Also, a person suffering from this condition may also experience hurtful treatments of scorn and ridicule; furthermore, they will be abused by friends, who will irritate them by putting them in situations where they are alone.

Low self esteem and low confidence accompanies this condition. Additionally, these persons will experience several abnormalities, when they believe that they are in solitude. For example, abnormal symptoms like nausea, sickness, dry mouth and they will be sweaty. Another symptom is that the heart beat will go faster, which will lead to respiratory problems and temporary speech impediments. Violent attacks of shaking and the lost of psyche are other symptoms that come with monophobia.

Physicians may recommend the use of drugs and medication, as a means of treating persons who suffer from the fear of being alone. However, these drugs and medication administered may not be effective in curing the condition, as well as they may carry dangerous side effects, which may cause more harm than good to the individual.

Another option of treating this emotional trauma is using self-help NLP methods. These methods will allow the phobic person to appreciate and understand the importance of spending quality time in privacy. - 31985

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First Step In NLP

By Landon Rivera

There are two basic principals of beginning to work with Neuro-Linguistic Programming which can greatly improve a person's life by teaching them how to control their emotional reactions, move further in their career and improve behavioral problems. This powerful, fast and effective method of psychotherapy - called NLP for short - can assist a person on their journey to a happy, more fulfilled life.

The first step, though, is deciding that you are ready to change. Without a willingness to accept that many of your problems are caused by the way you think, you are going to get limited use out of NLP therapy. NLP seeks to help you change, but if you are unreceptive to the ideas and methodology behind it, there is little anyone can do. The change first starts with you.

Set Goals:

The first step in NLP therapy is to set achievable goals keeping in mind exactly what you hope to accomplish. Don't be vague. Wanting to improve your life isn't the answer you're looking for you. You have to know exactly what you need to improve your life - what needs to change, what needs to stay the same, what needs to be added and what needs to be removed are all questions you need to ask yourself at this time. For this reason, setting goals may take longer and be more involved than you expected, but it is necessary if you want to see real results.

When you have answered the questions posed above it is time to state your goals. Leave the negativity at the door here. Phrase your goals in a positive way. You almost must be able to see, hear, feel, taste or touch the results. In other words, you must be able to have tangible results. This way you can test your results and physically experience your achievements. Make this easier by visualizing your results as you set your goals. Imagine all aspects of that goal and achieving it. You also have to be responsible for keeping track of your results yourself. This is important because you don't want your progress to depend on someone else. Also be sure the result does not limit you in any way. The goal of NLP is opening yourself up to choice and option. Do not set a goal that robs you of either of those things.


Awareness is of vital importance. Setting a goal is of little help if you can't tell whether or not you progressing. You have to be able to see the progress in yourself but also, be able to read your progress in the people you interact with. Read them carefully for their reaction to you and watch to see if it is changing as it should be. You should be able to see positive changes in the way they interact with you. The great thing about NLP is it shows you how to do that as well. - 31985

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Fundamental Methods In NLP

By Luis Murphy

Anchoring is one of the fundamental methods in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - a powerful psychotherapy technique that seeks to improve a person's life by helping them over come negative thinking and self-limiting thoughts and feelings. Anchoring helps the patient master their emotions and overcome self-defeating behavior. Because it focuses on the root cause of the problem, rather than just seeking to treat the symptoms, NLP and anchoring are a long term solution. All you need is the desire to change and the desire to improve.

Emotions and emotional reactions are all caused by something - and that something is called a trigger. Before you can be in control of those reactions you must identify what that trigger is. It will be different for everyone. When seeing an NLP practitioner, the first thing they will do is help you identify your trigger by asking you targeted questions and carefully listening to your responses. They will be looking for key words and phrases and will then ask deeper questions until the trigger is exposed. From there, they will begin helping you anchor that trigger so you will no longer have a negative reaction to it.

The trigger stirs an emotional response from memory. A painful trigger is attached to a painful memory. A happy trigger is attached to a happy memory. When you are experiencing an inappropriate emotional reaction to a trigger - getting angry when you encounter a certain trigger and being unable to control that anger - it is important to anchor it to something else.

In anchoring a trigger, we are changing what emotion is attached to it. An NLP practitioner is likely to use therapy to anchor a trigger than makes you angry to something you feel neutral about. It is likely not appropriate to attach a trigger that makes you feel angry to something that makes you feel happy as that would create a completely different type of inappropriate reaction. For that reason, a neutral reaction is more desired - perhaps choosing something that offers a calming an effect to the patient.

Many anchoring techniques utilize visualization as a beginning point. The patient is made to visual what makes them angry and then visualize the thing that makes them feel calm. It's important to think of nothing but those two things, being careful not to allow the negative emotion - rage, in this case - to attach to the calming device. In time, the trigger will automatically be associated with calm instead of rage. - 31985

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3 Ways To Manage Your Stress

By Lucas Bell

It would be difficult to find a person that hasn't felt overwhelmed or stressed out at some point in their life. Life is stressful. Things go wrong and it can be hard to figure out how to make them right. It can be even harder to accept that those things sometimes can't be fixed. The trick is to learn how you can deal with these things and not let the stress overwhelm your life. A popular method for learning to do this employed by teachers, business managers, marketing executives, self-help professionals and life couches is Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Although Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can be used to treat phobias, learning problems, habit disorders, psychosomatic illnesses and even depression the methods can also be incredibly helpful for stress management. For that reason it has become a major part of the self help industry and more and more business people are turning to NLP to help improve their lives.

There are three key ways NLP can help manage stress. I'll explore those more in depth below:

Improve Inner Dialogue

Talking to yourself is actually a very beneficial tool everyone can use, but it's important to focus on what you say. Many people need to improve inner dialogue by replacing negative phrases with positive ones. Instead of telling yourself you can't do something or you'll never get through something - tell yourself it will get better and tell yourself to stay strong. Reinforcing the positive instead of focusing on the negative is a good way to block out stress and even help yourself find a way to get yourself through it.

See Yourself As You Really Are

Most people look at themselves and see things they don't like - this is especially true of the physical. The problem with this thinking is that we are almost always far harder on ourselves than we need to be. We set up mental blocks in our mind that limit us to what we can achieve but we also set up mental filters on our eyes. We see the skin thicker than it is or thinner than it is. We see flaws in our appearance that others can't see.

Creating a positive self image is vital to reducing stress. Developing this positive self image often takes no more than focusing on the good in ourselves - and the good in the mirror.

Look Beyond the Problem

This task might be the hardest part of employing the NLP stress management method. It can be extremely difficult to see past an obstacle that may seem insurmountable. This is where the first two methods come in handy. With a positive self image supported by good inner dialogue, looking past the problem can be much easier. It's important to recognize that there are ways around the problem and that life will continue after the problem has been resolved. - 31985

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Using NLP To Reduce Stress

By Owen Bailey

Although there are wide ranging applications for the methodology of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, one of the most commonly utilized purposes for NLP in today's society is in the field of marketing and business. More and more managers, advertising executives and CEOs are using NLP to reduce the stress in their own lives and help their employees manage stress, achieve goals and communicate more effectively.

NLP is especially useful in a competitive field where you have to excel to advance. Since NLP can help you not only improve your communication skills but also feel more confident and more capable - therefore willing to take more chances. Even if you aren't rewarded with that promotion, NLP also helps you take away the positive aspects of being passed over - learning how you can improve and better communicate your desires - and leave behind the negative aspects like hurt feelings and disappointment.

When two people communicate, there are all sorts of hidden signals sent out on both sides. These signals are sent via body language, mannerisms, the way you speak words, the tone of voice you use - all of these things can sometimes speak louder than the actual words themselves. If you are at a job interview and your body language is saying you are unprepared and unconfident you are likely not going to get the job. That nervous body language is created in your mind. NLP can help uncover what is causing that insecurity and eliminate it. By doing so, at your next interview you will have confident, prepared body language and have a much better chance of getting the job.

NLP teaches the value of being able to adapt to different social situations so you will be prepared for any scenario. By simply adjusting your posture, tone of voice and body language to match that of the person you're talking to you build a sort of connection with them. You are better able to find common ground because they will feel like they are speaking with an equal rather than someone below or above them.

NLP also helps remove the self-defeating thoughts each of us has so that we are better able to reach our fullest potential. By freeing ourselves of the thoughts that tells us we can't achieve a goal, suddenly, we are telling ourselves that we can. Believing we can makes us work harder and strive to reach the goal that once seemed unattainable. That confidence makes all the difference in the world of business and in life in general.

NLP is a great tool for anyone to utilize to live their life to the fullest and improve every aspect of their life. - 31985

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The Theory Behind NLP

By Charles Cook

The Name

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method of psychotherapy that got its name directly from the fundamental ideas behind the theory: Neuro - relating to nerves or the brain, Linguistic - relating to language, Programming - software or controls that run a computer.

The Goal

NLP aims to help patients overcome many personal problems related to programs in their mind that prevent them from reaching their full potential. The overall goal is to help greatly improve the patient's life by uncovering the root causes of the things that are holding them back and reprogram their minds in a positive way.

The Theory

It is believed that each person has a set of programs instilled in their minds based on past experiences, beliefs and learned behaviors. For this reason, the two definitions of the word programming mentioned in section one are appropriate.

It's easy to see the analogy between the human brain and the computer. Both take input in the form of data and process it into something understandable. This is a hard task for the human brain due to the sheer volume of data that is thrown at it every second. Sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells are all delivered through our five senses at a steady rate and the brain has to try to make sense of it all. To do this efficiently, it deletes and changes much of this information. It makes assumptions about other information. If 'Factor A' is present and 'Factor B' is present than 'Outcome C' is going to happen. Here we get the basis of the program.

The theory behind NLP is that these programs can easily become corrupted - much like a bad program on your computer. If these programs are corrupt, your brain will have trouble processing new information. This hinges on the fact that 'Factor A' plus 'Factor B' will not always equal 'Option C' as the program would have you believe.

Because the program in your mind is telling you that 'Option C' will happen you are going to react to 'Factor A' and 'Factor B' on an assumption. If this assumption is wrong and you react negatively anyway, this can have extreme consequences and that is exactly what NLP seeks to correct.

NLP also teaches that many individuals stand in the way of their own success because of these programs. Self-limiting thoughts are a cornerstone of the methodologies of NLP. If a person allows these programs to tell them something isn't possible - that pursing that promotion or talking to the person they're attracted to will lead to failure - the person is much less likely to attempt to achieve their goal.

The Applications

Keeping in mind what we've just discussed, the benefits offered by NLP are obvious and wide ranging. Some of the possible problems that NLP can help patients overcome include:

* Learning disabilities * Psychosomatic illnesses * Habit disorders * Depression * Anger * Phobias * Shyness * Communication problems * Poor self-esteem or self-image * Self-limiting thoughts

The Final Thought

NLP is an extremely beneficial tool, readily available for anyone choosing to pursue it. - 31985

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How To Get Others To Do What You Want With Secret Jedi Mind Tricks

By George Hutton

We humans have a lot going for us. We can walk on two legs, do interesting things with our opposing thumbs, and even peel a banana. One thing that we have that is most special is the size of our brains, compared to our body size.

Why is this? Why did our brains get so big, and not say, the Koala? Some will argue that because we are basically a nomadic species, we had to learn to adapt to different environments. But many are starting to think that our need for language is what drove our brain size.

So why then, did we develop language? Many animals migrate thousands of miles every year, and don't require any complicated speech.

If you look at language as a tool, then maybe it starts to make sense. What do we use the tool for? What is it's purpose?

For many, the automatic answer is to simply convey information. Data. Facts, figures, directions, instructions. Are we really just walking computers driven to exchange data with each other, or is there something deeper?

A growing number of evolutionary psychologists are starting to agree that the real purpose behind language is persuasion. To influence. To manipulate each other into our way of thinking.

If you remember crying when you were younger, wasn't that the most basic tool of manipulation? To try and get a parent or adult to come over and pick you up and take care of you?

When you see language from this angle, you can begin to understand that the underlying reason behind all communication is to manipulate and persuade others. Whenever you are talking to somebody, you'd like your words to cause them to think or do something that would benefit you.

So, if you are going to persuade somebody, you might as well get good at it. With all these people walking around with hidden agenda's (usually even to themselves), somebody is going to get left holding the bag.

One easy way to persuade others is to elicit and leverage the criteria of others. This means find out what is important to them, and show them covertly that they can achieve that by doing what you want.

This means actually building up a kind of relationship with them, no matter how short lived. When you approach this from a win-win situation, you can't go wrong, and the world will be in the palm of your hand. - 31985

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Patience and Hypnosis Power

By Dr. Anthony Taylor

The power of hypnosis uses the art of suggestion to influence the actions and thoughts of other people. Yet, none of this means you will obtain results quickly. If you can fully understand this, you will be on your way to becoming an advanced persuasion artist .

By influencing people on conscious levels, you may get results instantly. However, if you are stimulating the unconscious through the power of suggestion, then what you need to do is be patient so that the seeds can take root and grow.

In covert influence, this is often entitled, Seeding of Suggestion. Now, once you have successfully planted the seeds into their mind, all that is left is for you to water the seeds in order for the seeds to grow into the kind of behavior you are trying to construct. However, a very significant thing to keep in mind about the process of seeding suggestions is that you should not over water your seeds so that you end up interfering with your own suggestions.

What this means is that after you plant your suggestions, you must water them and them leave them alone so the can grow. It takes time to persuade people on unconsciously levels, because their conscious mind will need time to catch up with their unconscious mind. However, because you went through the process of planting suggestions into their mind, you will eventually obtain what you want and see the results you are looking for. All you need to do afterward is wait.

In many ways it is a hypnotic secret that there is an evil necessity of time involved between suggesting to other people what you desire and them actually giving you want you want. There are many novices in the art of persuasion who don't understand the element of time is a crucial in mastering the power of suggestion. However, if you can be patient with people, you will develop the ability to control their minds completely. - 31985

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NLP As A Model Of Psychotherapy

By Aaron Morgan

About Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a model of psychotherapy that believes a person can overcome a wide range of problems by adjusting the way they think about the issue. NLP believes patients have programs in their mind that dictate the way the patient reacts to certain outside factors. It comes down to one basic formula. In the patient's mind, they see 'Factor A' - for argument's sake, let's say Factor A is a snake - and a subconscious program in their mind tells them the result of 'Factor A' is 'Outcome B'. Staying with the snake example - the patient sees a snake and the program tells them they are going to get bitten. The problem therein, is that Factor A is not always going to bring Outcome B. NLP seeks to change that program so instead of responding to the snake with terror and panic, the patient will instead react with caution.


Anchoring is similar to classical condition in that you change the reaction to a trigger (or the anchor) by causing your mind to associate it with something else. In the case of the above mentioned snake, anchoring takes the fearful reaction to the snake and changes it to something more positive or at least something more manageable.

By anchoring the snake to another stimulus - something more positive like a comforting tone of voice or something soothing to the patient - the NLP practitioner is able to change the way the patient reacts to the trigger.


Reframing is a communication technique that shows the patient how to see a 'frame', an idea, belief or stimulus, differently by putting it in a different context. By doing this, the NLP practitioner can help open their patient up to a wider range of possibilities. Reframing is designed to help the patient see things more clearly and better understand the opportunities available to them. A situation that may seem overwhelming and unsolvable becomes more manageable. New choices become available because the patient has a new way of looking at the situation.


Submodalities are a way for the NLP practitioner to see into a patient's mind and identify the things that need to be changed. This is done through targeted questions and careful observation of what the patient says and how they respond to the targeted questions.

Submodalities are the messages sent between the subconscious and conscious mind regarding remembered sights, sounds, tastes, feelings and smells. All of these things are extremely important in how people will react in certain situations. By working with the patient to identify these things, the practitioner can greatly affect the patient's ability to change.

Perceptual Positions

Perceptual positions are how individuals look at situations. Because everyone is different, everyone is going to have a different perceptual position of a situation. NLP practitioners use this as a tool to help their patients see things from different perspectives.

Perceptual positions help people recognize there are more ways to look at a problem than the way they feel they have to look at it. It opens up their mind to a greater realm of possibilities and helps them identify a better solution. Perceptual positions also help the patient step back from the problem - to get distance from it - to allow them more room to deal with it.

Representational Systems

Representational Systems allows the NLP practitioner to examine how a patient's mind is processing information. NLP teaches how to recognize how the mind processes information from all of the senses - how it sees, feels, hears, tastes and smells. This is valuable in interpreting responses. - 31985

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How Life Coaching Assist People To Achieve Their Objectives And Become Happier?

By Andy D Gallagher

Life coaching is a programme or a process, which is aimed at helping people, or group of people, in forming, and attaining their personal goals, through instructions, and training programmes. The whole purpose of this process is to develop some skills in people, which will enable them in attaining their future goals. This is a very popular profession in most of the western countries. These people are specially trained coaches, who are equipped with inducing optimism, and confidence for fulfilling your desires.

A life coach is a combination of a consultant, motivator, and a therapist. It is a common fact that whenever you are low, it is not possible for you to be optimist and see the bright side of the things. In this kind of situation, you always need someone to help you out of this bleakness, and show you that brighter side.

Now, the question is that what are the essentials of a happy life? The answer to this question is, doing everything you love, feeling alive, enjoying every moment of life, practicing all your values, having a meaningful relationship increasing graph of progress, having good health and success in every field of life, be it education or business.

So, people are considering life coaches necessary for the accomplishment of their dream for a happy and contended life. During coaching, you can learn different skills that make your journey towards happy life easier. They tell you the true meaning of life. They make you see life from a different aspect, which you have never considered before.

In the first step, coaches help you to determine your objectives. Once the objectives are clear, you are given choices how to achieve them. There are two ways through which, we can determine our success path; we select the things for ourselves, or let the life select it for us. You may not like the path which life would select for you, so it is always wise to act fast and choose the path before the life decides it for you. It can only happen if you are 100% sure about your destiny. The life coaches get you acquainted with the hidden skills you have, and once you know about your abilities, nothing is impossible for you.

After choosing your aim, the next step is to focus and then spur to action. A life coach helps you to channelize your energy. The other purpose of a life coach is to keep your vision alive. Sometimes, you may loose your focus. Here, the role of a coach is required, who teaches you how to keep pace with the life.

Other than reaching to your destination and achieving your objectives, there are lot other factors that make you happy. For instance, a life coach guides you, how to build good relationships and how to maintain them? The life coach directs you to see the positive side of the picture, and always remain optimistic. When you are optimistic, you always find good qualities in people, and this helps you build strong relationships. An optimist always looks happy, and agile, because he/she knows that what the real key to happiness is. In addition, if you are stuck in some business problem, the life coach assists you to find a solution.

Life coaching is proved to be blessing for people, as it helps them finding the true happiness, and becoming successful in life. - 31985

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Your Life

By John Stevenson

NLP entails the monitoring of an individual's body words, facial expressions, as well as delivery of dialogue. In addition , you need to think about the posture of the person throughout communication. This is wherever social communication occurs in to vital play.

As soon as you manage to realize the individual's body language, you start to understand just what they are attempting to truly converse. You can understand the individual much better if you're able to read between the lines. You can recognize their emotions and thinkings. It's essential to first understand that this mode associated with verbal exchanges goes beyond speech. Once you know the factors powering the conversation, you get all of the specifics.

NLP is really a means of self-improvement. It is used as remedy with regard to working with the problems like learning disorder, specific phobias, and the experiencing associated with depressive disorders. The methods used in NLP start from a form of hypnosis. In gist, NLP includes all of the techniques for the body, character, and thoughts in totality. NLP furthermore ensures that you develop a positive frame of mind in the direction of life. The learning is dependent on the perspective of an individual, how these people perceive the world and also the items happening to these people. Should you choose to find out the cup as half empty as opposed to half full, your own views will be dismal. You are going to be locked in just concentrating on the adversities inside your existence. You'll produce bigger difficulties for your self within the end simply because you might not be able to move past the present and see what you've discovered.

To be successful, it's essential to always understand the brighter aspect of items. You simply need to endeavor harder each day so that you can achieve your own aims. NLP shows you this so that you simply improve your mind set and push it in the direction of the good. You've to become mentally strong to work towards your individual accomplishment. Alter is able to take place in the event that your thoughts is entirely sure by the belief that there is simply no power better than your own strength of will. If you choose to struggle with regard to some thing in your life, you have to know you could very nicely get it done and that there's nothing holding you back.

NLP works well for bringing the confidence back inside your thoughts. Should you already have a proper outlook, you are able to enhance your abilities even even more. Hence, it is essential for you to continuously and consciously maintain advocating yourself as well as your conscious thoughts that you can usually make your life much better. You should in no way quit dreaming big. It's essential to keep sharing with yourself just how important your current desires are to you so that you simply will always thirst for triumph.

Professionals are now utilizing neuro linguistic programming in order to alter the brain's considering behaviour by rephrasing words. This is vital in enhancing effectiveness and also motivation. Through using correct terminology, you can clear your own vocabulary of defeatist words until these become a habit.

Particular terms are connected straight with individual's feelings, emotional baggage, and memories. Therapists often follow a style of neuro linguistic programming to set up connection and discover underlying meanings. And while the power of positive considering hasn't been scientifically verified, numerous patients rely on the enhancements they have welcomed in their life. - 31985

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NLP Practitioners - Understanding What They Do

By Anthony Wilson

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was founded in the early 1970's but is only now becoming part of the mainstream. While mainstream psychotherapy may still question the validity of the methodology behind NLP, devotees sing its praises - hailing it as a truly unique and highly effective approach to behavioral therapy.

By focusing on the idea that we create our own mental disorders and stand in the way of our own success, NLP teaches change from within. Instead of merely trying to sedate the symptoms of a problem, NLP seeks to attack the root cause and find a solution. Not satisfied with just producing temporary results, NLP practitioners hope to deliver long term results for their patients and free them from a wide variety of problems holding the patient back from reaching their full potential.

One of the most revolutionary applications of the NLP method is the treatment of phobias. By recognizing that phobias are likely the result of a negative program buried in the patient's subconscious, NLP practitioners will uncover that program and replace it with a positive one. In this case, the program likely took root in the form of a traumatic event that either happened to the patient or the patient heard about at a very young age. To correct the phobia, the NLP practitioner must change the patient's programmed response to a trigger - which, in the case of phobia would be whatever stimuli causes the fearful reaction - to something more positive. This is usually done through anchoring.

With anchoring, the NLP practitioner finds the program - the memory that causes the fearful feelings - and helps the patient anchor it to another, more pleasant stimulus. This can take a bit of work on the parts of both the practitioner and the patient, but by doing this, when the patient is introduced to the trigger - the thing of which they are afraid - the subconscious program no longer causes the patient to react with fear. Although the anchor does not usually create an overly positive reaction, as that would be another sort of inappropriate emotional reaction, the anchor usually provides the patient with a sense of calm. They may still be afraid, but it will be a manageable fear and with practice that fears will be reduced even more.

NLP also promotes a more positive self dialogue. It is perfectly natural to talk to yourself. Everyone does it. The problem is; most people use this important inner dialogue to reinforce a negative self image. It is extremely difficult to achieve a goal, or even work up the courage to pursue that goal, if you are constantly telling yourself you will fail. NLP teaches you how to foster a more healthy self-image and back that up with positive self dialogue. - 31985

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Fundamental teachings of NLP

By Ethan Brown

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a form of psychotherapy that seeks to help patients have a better understanding of themselves and change negative thought patterns that lead to negative behaviors. Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, operates around the core principal that every person has subconscious programming in their mind that causes the person to react to certain stimulus in certain ways. By changing this programming, NLP practitioners believe they are able to turn negative reactions to positive ones. All it takes is a change in perspective.

NLP practitioners don't try to treat the symptoms of the surface of negative behaviors or mental disorders, but rather find the root cause of the problem and remedy that. NLP practitioners listen carefully to what patients say to identify any subconscious clues the patient is giving as to the true nature of the problem. NLP practitioners ask targeted questions so not to allow the patient to use deletion or omission when answering questions. By doing this, NLP practitioners are better able to explore the patient's subconscious and identify problems.

The major focus of NLP is to help people have a greater self-awareness and understand that most of the limitations they see as being part of their life are in actuality only a matter of perception. By eliminating self-defeating, self-limiting and negative thoughts, NLP can open the mind to see the bigger picture. By promoting healthy inner dialogue NLP can help you realize that the biggest problem with trying to reach a goal is telling yourself that you can't.

NLP also arms you with the tools you need to more effectively communicate. This is a great asset to anyone in a field that requires they deal with the public on a regular basis. By learning how to read people - one of the fundamental teachings of NLP - you are better able to judge whether or not the person you are speaking to is not just hearing your words, but understands the meaning behind them. NLP also teaches you how to adjust your posture, body language and tone of voice to better fit the situation you're in. By adjusting these things to match the person you're conversing with, you create a sort of connection that helps them not only understand you better but also helps make them feel you are understanding them as well.

NLP can also be used to help a wide variety of mental disorders such as habit disorders, learning disabilities, phobias and even depression. Teachers are employing the methodology behind NLP to help their students feel more confident and overcome learning disabilities.

Over NLP teaches several effective ways to prove just about every aspect of your life and help you live your life to the fullest. - 31985

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Success With NLP

By Michael Johnsons

Phobias can be a debilitating problem that can rule your entire life. For some people the phobia is of spiders, snakes, heights or things of that nature. Those phobias, while troublesome can have limited effect on the sufferer's life as a whole since the trigger of the phobia can be avoided. Other phobias can have a much more severe effect on the day to day life of the person suffering from the phobia.

Sometimes these phobias are severe enough to prevent the patient from living a normal, productive life and in extreme cases, even prevent the patient from leaving their own home. The most common example of this level of debilitating phobia agoraphobia which is a fear of leaving a safe place, often the home, or being in an open or crowded public place. This phobia, when at its most severe can make the patient completely unable to leave their own home limiting work and social potential.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, has the potential of helping patients overcome their phobias by exposing the root of the problem and working to correct it. The NLP practitioner will work with the patient by actively listening to their responses to targeted questions and asking further questions to get to the bottom of why people react the way they do to the stimulus in question. If the fear is of public places, as in the case of agoraphobia, the stimulus would be the outside world. This is often the toughest phobia to tackle as the root cause may be very difficult to pinpoint.

NLP centers around the idea that many of the mental disorders most commonly suffered are not in fact the result of chemical imbalances and therefore do not need to be medicated. The belief is that these disorders - phobias for the purpose of this article - are caused by subconscious signals in the brain that we have had programmed into our minds by past experiences or learned beliefs, ideals and values. These programs are so deeply engrained that we aren't even aware that they're there. NLP seeks to help reprogram our minds to help us live happier, fuller lives.

For anyone suffering from a phobia it may seem like it's just part of life that has to be dealt with. In reality that isn't true. By working with a NLP practitioner and identifying the underlying cause behind the phobia, you can change the way you react to that fear and therefore free yourself of the phobia completely. - 31985

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